pushing to finish
editing the paper version of Weekend Homesteader, so there's no lunchtime
series this week. However, I don't want you to go into
withdrawal, so I'm giving away Weekend
Homesteader: October
today and tomorrow over on Amazon. Just follow the link and
you'll be able to download it completely free.
Despite the fact that
the four exercises in Weekend Homesteader: October are geared toward
the fall, they're actually quite timely in February. I walk you
through making quick hoops, which are perfect for preheating late
winter soil so you can plant sooner. And I also write about
free biomass, storage vegetables, and living simply.
As always, if you don't
want to mess with Kindle format, you can email
me and I'll reply
with a free pdf copy. And please do tell any friends who might be
interested! I gave away 8,875 free copies of Weekend Homesteader:
August a few weeks ago and would love to beat that record.
Hey, I don't have a kindle but would love to have your October edition of Weekend Homesteader. If you wouldn't mind sending me a PDF format that'd be great. Also if you have August still available I'd love that too.
I can't keep up with the bounty being produced by our two 4'x8' quick hoops! I know this has been a strange winter, but I couldn't believe the difference the quick hoops made. I planted some of my starts outside of the quick hoop for comparision, and what a difference! Thanks. My kindle was messed up last time I tried to purchase weekend homesteader from you, but I WILL get it fixed, because I love the weekend homesteader!
Justus --- October and August should be in your inbox now.
Paul B. --- I know what you mean about the miracle of quick hoops. I was just out in the garden today, picking a mess of mustard greens for supper, and saw that our first batch of spring lettuce survived the recent 10 degree night! Looks like we'll have yet more leafy greens in a couple of weeks.
Hi Anna,
I just wanted to say thanks for your generous offer. I took you up on this and realized I needed to get the others I am missing as well. These are such great books and have everything a person needs to learn how to homestead. What a treat. I'll be sure to comment when I finish them up.
Hello Anna, I wonder if you would mind sending me a PDF of your Weekend Homesteader and if it is not too cheeky, the August edition as well, to ptsaunders@talk21.com. I looked for your e-mail address both on your site and facebook page and couldn't find it. I am a new reader to your site, I am hoping to to start a farm in a couple of years and am trying to get as much experience as possible with veggies and animals before then. Your website is teaching me sooooo much. Thankyou.