A slow spring and critical temperatures
Last year my
three exclamation point spring post came on March 26 --- the plant world had
awakened, with peaches and dandelions in bloom and blackberry and pear
leaves unfurling. This year, we're at least a week behind...which
is a good thing.

A few of our fruit trees
--- the oldest peach, for sure, but also maybe the younger peach,
nectarine, and cherry --- are old enough to set fruit, but only if a
hard spring freeze doesn't nip their flowers. Each stage in the
bud-opening process has its critical temperature, below which the bud
will be too damaged to set fruit. For peaches, these temperatures
are (for 10% and 90% kill, respectively):
- Swollen bud stage - 18 F; 1 F
- Bud shows green (like in the photo below on the right) - 21 F; 5 F
- First pink on bud - 25 F; 15 F
- First bloom - 26 F; 21 F
- Full bloom - 27 F; 24 F
In the spring, we
gardeners tend to get antsy and want everything to happen now, but a chilly winter slows
things down and may mean more food in the long run. Here's a table of critical
temperatures for most of the common fruits. Don't forget to keep
your eye on the weather forecast once your fruit trees begin to bloom!
Want to have more time to
tend your fruit trees? Check out our microbusiness ebook about starting a small
business that pays all of your bills in just a few hours per week.
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About us:
Anna Hess and Mark Hamilton spent over a decade living self-sufficiently in the mountains of Virginia before moving north to start over from scratch in the foothills of Ohio. They've experimented with permaculture, no-till gardening, trailersteading, home-based microbusinesses and much more, writing about their adventures in both blogs and books.
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